Our world is full of toxic chemicals.  Never before have such large numbers of people been exposed daily to chemicals from building materials, home furnishings, food additives, solvents, pesticides, insecticides, heavy metals, phenols, formaldehyde, BPA’s, PCB;s and VOC’s.  These are found in hundreds of products we touch every day.  The problem is that these toxins accumulate in the body, commonly in the adipose or fat tissue, and eventually make us sick.  Toxins in the body are known to be part of the underlying cause of the following conditions.  Ever wonder if you are toxic?  Take the Toxicity Questionnaire and find out.

Some of the chronic illnesses associated with toxicity:


Chronic fatigue syndrome

Rheumatoid arthritis

Auto-immune conditions



Chronic pain

FIR sauna therapy is an effective way to get these toxins out of the body and heal from these chronic diseases.  FIR stands for Far Infra-Red, which are rays from the sun.

Recently, Oprah Winfrey, featured an FIR sauna on her show as a “life extension” device.  Dr. Oz, who was featured on the show, explained how the FIR can burn up to 700 calories in an hour.  The FIR also helps increase circulation, promote healing of tissues, lower blood pressure, and remove toxins through the skin.

Imagine relaxing in a sauna for 10-30 minutes 3-4 times per week and greatly benefiting your health at the same time.  The FIR sauna is not like regular dry or wet sauna found in health clubs. Sauna therapy with far-infrared sauna is quite unique.

How do the Far Infra-Red rays work in the body?  How are they different?

Far-infrared (FIR) rays are beneficial to the body by causing a physical phenomenon called cellular “resonance”.  This resonance invigorates the cells, promotes metabolism, blood circulation and cellular renewal.  Increased metabolism means that the cells use more energy, and release more waste products.  Fat soluble toxins are stored in fatty tissues of the body which are under the skin.  The FIR rays penetrate a few inches into the body, into the fatty tissue and stimulates the cells to release these toxins.  When the body sweats, these toxins are released.  Research studies confirm that toxins are released during sauna treatment.  The urine samples taken after sauna treatment  is complete contain less toxins.  

Other natural “side effects” or benefits of FIR sauna therapy include reducing pain in the body, blood pressure, joint stiffness, relief from muscle spasms, tissue healing, cellular rejuvenation and weight loss.  

Not all FIR saunas are alike.  Contact Dr. Wells to discuss the pro’s and con’s of various sauna’s prior to purchase. 

Check out Zazen Health Solutions for interesting research information or Heartspring for my research article on the subject.

Remember for a free consult, contact the office at 480-607-0299, or email me directly.  I’d love to talk to you!  Check out our facebook page and follow our feed on twitter.