Health Articles
Our unique, holistic focus brings the source of your health issue into view.
Inspired by water!
Over 2100 known toxins may be present in drinking water, which increases your risk for illness and affects the taste and smell of water. Better tasting, better smelling, and healthier water is what you get when you filter out chemical (e.g., chlorine/ lead) and bacterial contaminants from the water you drink or use for bathing.
Leaky Gut, Causes and Cures
"Maldigestion, malabsorption, and abnormal gut flora and ecology are often found to be primary contributing factors not only to gastrointestinal disorders but also to a wide variety of chronic, systemic illnesses."
Nurturing Your Child’s Emotional Intelligence, By Understanding Your Own
Self awareness is a benchmark of emotional intelligence, so the more aware one is, the more empathy, self acceptance one can have and both positively enhance our relationships.. The results can be astounding and life changing - in a good way!
Methylation, MTHFR and Homocysteine
Methylation is an essential biochemical process that happens in every cell. We need our methylation processes to be working correctly to optimize our health!
NEUROPLASTICITY!! What is it and how can we stimulate it? What's the best diet? What are the best nutrients and supplements?
The 7 Benefits of the Ice Bath
History of cold water therapy The use of cold water for healing was first [...]