Skip Gatorade, Make Your Own Electrolyte Drink

Why use a commercial electrolyte replacement beverage when you can make your own and know that it will have far greater benefits and less sugar and chemical additives than anything sold in stores? Gatorade has been outlawed in the European Union due to it containing dyes and brominated vegetable oil which are toxic to the body. An electrolyte drink is essential for rehydrating after intense training or competition in the heat, for hydrating a day or two before a sports event, and for preventing or recovering from the dehydration caused by illness. Electrolytes are great for the adrenal glands as [...]

Skip Gatorade, Make Your Own Electrolyte Drink2024-01-16T02:00:00+00:00

Sugar, Sugar Everywhere…

How can I eat without sugar? In the United States, sugar is everywhere and in everything. Oftentimes sugar is an added ingredient that just doesn't make sense. The daily recommendation for sugar intake over 2 years of age is less than 10% of your daily calories. But, it can be found in your breakfast cereal, in your crackers, in your flavored water, and your cup of soup. Sugar has taken over in food production and is a double-edged sword. It may worsen health, but it tastes really good, and sugary foods fly off grocery store shelves. So, this means [...]

Sugar, Sugar Everywhere…2024-01-09T01:00:00+00:00

Phenomenal Phytonutrients Benefit Health!

An interesting question that people commonly ask about food and nutrition: Is there that much difference between foods grown 30 years ago and foods grown today? The answer is YES. Decades ago, conventionally grown fruits and vegetables were much richer in vitamins and minerals than the varieties most of us are consuming in the 21stCentury. The root of the problem is soil depletion, a result of the invasive agricultural processes used on conventional farms. Over the past half century, there are reliable declines in the amount of protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin C, and the B vitamins found in [...]

Phenomenal Phytonutrients Benefit Health!2023-12-29T01:54:13+00:00

Homeopathy in Menopause: Finding the Cure in the Cause

Whether you are undergoing menopause or have an acute illness, such as a cold or flu, or a chronic illness, such as thyroid disease, homeopathy can play an essential role in your wellness.

Homeopathy in Menopause: Finding the Cure in the Cause2023-09-24T20:12:38+00:00

Hormesis and Health

Hormesis is a bodily response to a mild, short repeated physical, chemical, biological stressor.  The stressor causes a mild increase in oxidative effect in the body that then leads to a cascade of positive bodily effects that are moving one away from disease and towards health.(1) From an evolutionary perspective, this makes sense. We know the body is designed to conserve energy so it will change and adapt its processes to meet the demand and adapt so that the next time the same effort is not needed. The body wants to be comfortable so to say. Bottom line is, [...]

Hormesis and Health2023-09-10T23:15:10+00:00

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