Brain Fog and the Top Ten Causes

What is brain fog? Brain fog is classified as a lack of cognitive functioning or disorientation. It can be slight, but significant. Many speak of it literally as if a cloud has descended over their brain. Others describe it as they sometimes can't remember names, or facts like they used to. It usually begins after some stressful times or after a long illness, or even after pregnancy, but it can happen anytime to people of all ages. The treatment of brain fog varies greatly, depending on the cause(s). One the cause or causes can be found, the healing can [...]

Brain Fog and the Top Ten Causes2024-01-02T21:12:12+00:00

Slow Metabolism and Weight Gain (and my doctor says blood tests are normal)

"I have gained weight and don't know why. I've have been to many doctors and they've checked the thyroid blood work, but found everything is normal." Sound familiar? There are lots of reasons for a suddenly slower metabolism and weight gain. I am sharing this so you can use the information with your doctor team and get the best results for your health! A holistic view of a person, means examining one's lifestyle, diet, hydration, nutrient status, energy/sleep patterns, digestion, other health conditions and often we need a physical exam. It is important to talking about the degree of [...]

Slow Metabolism and Weight Gain (and my doctor says blood tests are normal)2023-04-24T14:00:00+00:00

Why do I have allergies?

At some point there was an exposure to the allergen when the health of your mucous membranes of your eyes, nose, throat, lungs, or gastrointestinal lining was compromised. This allergen then got through the protective layer into the blood stream, and caused a reaction - foreign substance alert!

Why do I have allergies?2022-06-26T21:51:09+00:00

How do I support my immune system?

The immune system for most of us works well when we support with what it needs and eliminate the things that hinder it's function. There are several types of immune cells, some that fight viruses, some that fight bacteria and some that clean up the body of old dead cells. Each immune cell is filled with certain nutrients. If we support our body with these nutrients, our cells can function more optimally. The cleaner our diet is of processed foods and chemicals, the healthier all our cells will be. Last but not least, our microbiome is a very important [...]

How do I support my immune system?2024-01-02T21:12:15+00:00

Soothe Emotional Angst with Motherwort

Soothe Emotional Angst with Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) A plant in the mint family, Motherwort gets its name from its ancient use: helping women who had a tendency to "over-mother" and thus experienced more stress, and less joy, in their maternal role. Today, throughout Europe and in Traditional Chinese Medicine, it's used as a medicinal herb to treat emotional conditions such as anxiety and depression. It also helps ease symptoms of menstrual distress, as well as physical and emotional exhaustion. Motherwort can be prepared as a tea, tincture, or in capsule form. Depending on the the type of preparation, it can [...]

Soothe Emotional Angst with Motherwort2021-08-15T10:00:00+00:00

Exhausted and labs normal? Could it be adrenal fatigue?

"Am I crazy?  The doctor said I am normal!  I have every test and then was prescribed an anti-depressant!" No, no, you are not crazy.  The doctor is just looking in the wrong place for the answers to your health issue. I would like to address one of the most common underlying causes of exhaustion, and that is...Adrenal Fatigue. Our two adrenal glands, are endocrine glands that are located near our kidneys and control many parts of our health.  They secrete adrenaline which gives us energy and resilience during stressful times.  They wake us up in the morning and get us [...]

Exhausted and labs normal? Could it be adrenal fatigue?2024-01-02T20:47:56+00:00

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