Hormesis and Health

Hormesis is a bodily response to a mild, short repeated physical, chemical, biological stressor.  The stressor causes a mild increase in oxidative effect in the body that then leads to a cascade of positive bodily effects that are moving one away from disease and towards health.(1) From an evolutionary perspective, this makes sense. We know the body is designed to conserve energy so it will change and adapt its processes to meet the demand and adapt so that the next time the same effort is not needed. The body wants to be comfortable so to say. Bottom line is, [...]

Hormesis and Health2023-09-10T23:15:10+00:00

Heathy Heart for a Long Life

Heart disease kills an estimated 17.9 million people globally each year, it's a good idea to take care of your heart!

Heathy Heart for a Long Life2023-08-05T22:38:12+00:00

Intermittent Fasting, How to Make It Work For You

There has not been a more helpful tool for health and wellbeing than intermittent fasting while eating a clean healthy whole foods diet. It has been successful to reverse pre-diabetes, lose weight, reduce aches and inflammation in the body, increase energy and to get control of cravings, that endless need to snack. Also the discipline it takes to do this has helped many in other areas of their life as well. It is not our fault, we have been brainwashed. The food industry it's FDA approved processed foods are really not on our side in many ways. Not only [...]

Intermittent Fasting, How to Make It Work For You2024-01-02T21:12:13+00:00

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