Call to Action – Free Consultation

Hi I’m Dr. Wendy Wells, a licensed Naturopathic Physician in Arizona in the United States.  I was awarded a Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, now called Sonoran University. I’m a member of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians and the Arizona Board of Naturopathic Medical Association.  I enjoy helping patients with a variety of acute and chronic issues such as thyroid issues, hormone balancing, chronic fatigue, food sensitivities, gut health, mental health, autoimmune and skin issues. My passion is finding the source beneath any health concerns, getting the body back in balance, educating patients [...]

Call to Action – Free Consultation2024-07-11T20:10:47+00:00

Phenomenal Phytonutrients Benefit Health!

An interesting question that people commonly ask about food and nutrition: Is there that much difference between foods grown 30 years ago and foods grown today? The answer is YES. Decades ago, conventionally grown fruits and vegetables were much richer in vitamins and minerals than the varieties most of us are consuming in the 21stCentury. The root of the problem is soil depletion, a result of the invasive agricultural processes used on conventional farms. Over the past half century, there are reliable declines in the amount of protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin C, and the B vitamins found in [...]

Phenomenal Phytonutrients Benefit Health!2023-12-29T01:54:13+00:00

Why do I have allergies?

At some point there was an exposure to the allergen when the health of your mucous membranes of your eyes, nose, throat, lungs, or gastrointestinal lining was compromised. This allergen then got through the protective layer into the blood stream, and caused a reaction - foreign substance alert!

Why do I have allergies?2022-06-26T21:51:09+00:00

COVID-19 Part2: World crisis

World Crisis is Upon Us During this time of great stress, we are here for your health and well-being.  There is much discussion and interest in natural medicines used for prevention or treatment of COVID-19, unfortunately none have been validated by human trials with COVID-19. The best we can do is support the immune system, […]

COVID-19 Part2: World crisis2020-04-15T22:31:21+00:00

COVID-19 For The Well-Being of All

Be Active in Prevention Keep social distancing, minimize time in public places Avoid touching your face Wash hands for 20 seconds with soap and warm water Cover cough with elbow or tissue, wear a mask in public Use Neti Pot to rinse nasal passages Gargle with Listerine Shower when you come home from indoor public places Remember Most people are NOT symptomatic until day 5 of infection Symptoms begin for most with dry cough, fatigue, fever Testing is available and an order can be called in for you have symptoms General Health Stay hydrated, drink 1/2 your body weight [...]

COVID-19 For The Well-Being of All2020-04-14T18:30:28+00:00

Maximizing Your Workout: tips of the trade

Maximizing Your Workout: tips of the trade   Exercise can cause inflammation in the joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments.  Having a body that combats inflammation well is key.  Most are aware, a diet rich in plant nutrients and omega 3 foods such as wild salmon, is important to keep inflammation low. Also, limiting processed foods, fried foods, sugars, alcohol and red meat can help, too. When it comes to supplements, it can be a hassle to surf the shelves and wonder which is best. After a long look at the research, the following supplements rise to the top.   [...]

Maximizing Your Workout: tips of the trade2019-01-22T16:40:24+00:00

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