The immune system for most of us works well when we support with what it needs and eliminate the things that hinder it’s function. There are several types of immune cells, some that fight viruses, some that fight bacteria and some that clean up the body of old dead cells. Each immune cell is filled with certain nutrients. If we support our body with these nutrients, our cells can function more optimally. The cleaner our diet is of processed foods and chemicals, the healthier all our cells will be. Last but not least, our microbiome is a very important player in this game. Our good bacteria our our first line of defense in our mucus membranes of our eyes, nose, throat and gastrointestinal system. So it takes a well rounded approach to have a healthy immune system.

What are the most important nutrients for immune system support?

  • Vitamin C – I use a method called the Bowel Tolerance Test to see how much Vitamin C each individual needs.


  1. Take 1 gram (1000mg) of buffered vitamin C per hour
  2. Continue taking 1 gram per hour until you have a bowel “gurgle” or change in bowel (you will know what I mean when it happens – it is a mild change from your norm)
  3. At this point, stop taking the vitamin C and count how many hours and grams
    1. To determine your personal vitamin C dosage, calculate as follows:
      a. Total grams Vitamin C x 0.75 = Your total daily dose
      (Do not take this all at once!)
      b. Divide your total daily dose so that you take no more than 2 grams at one time. Total daily dose / 2 grams = # doses / day
  • Zinc (chelated form) – typical dose is 30-50mg per day taken with food
  • Vitamin B12 – must be taken sublingually for maximum absorption
  • Vitamin B6 – is involved in white cell production and regulation
  • Glutathione – most important antioxidant in the body. Every lymphocyte uses glutathione, and low glutathione levels have been shown to cause individuals to have poor outcomes when subjected to viruses. The healing and recovery can take much longer with this vital nutrient on board. It is best taken in a liposomal form or in the form of s-acetyl-glutathione capsules. These forms have shown to increase blood levels.
  • Probiotics – a high dose (25-100 billion per cap) multi-strain probiotic (16 to 24 strains) that is enteric coated is best. Good brands are Klaire Labs, Integrative Therapeutics, and RAW Garden of Life.
  • Bone Broth – the constituents of bone broth heal the lining of the gastrointestinal tract which is vital for the immune system to be strong.

What are the most important things to avoid for immune system support?

  • Sugar, sweets – 1 tsp of sugar depresses the macrophages of the immune system for 6 hours. In one soda, there is 40 tsp of sugar.
  • Processed foods – which is any food product that has a LIST of ingredients.
  • Alcohol – chronic use or acute binge drinking damages the mucosa of the lungs and the gastrointestinal tract, which burdens the immune system
  • Stress – the stress hormone cortisol is typically supportive of immune function but when one has chronically elevated cortisol the positive immune effects no longer happen and inflammation builds up in the body.

In addition, one may want to support the immune system by coming to the office for an Immune Support IV therapy session. This lasts 45 minutes to 1 hour and has been shown to have positive effects on the immune system.

Dr. Wells is dedicated to support the well-being of all and helps individuals world wide. Contact us for more information.