What is Naturopathic Medicine?
Naturopathic medicine combines traditional therapies with modern medicine. It is appropriate for all physical health conditions, preventative health care, mental and emotional well being.
How are we similar to MD’s?
We are…
Licensed physicians
Regulated by Board of Examiners
Continuing education required
Write prescriptions for pharmaceuticals
Draw blood, request labs, imaging
Give IV’s, vaccinations
Perform physical exams, pap, prostate, lung, heart, etc
How are we different?
In our…
Philosophy and Principles
How we practice medicine
Order of therapy applied
Types of Therapies used
Don’t perform major surgery
Don’t prescribe Class 1 and 2 medications
What is our Philosophy?
1. Primum Non Nocere
First of all, do no harm
Naturopathic physicians use effective and safe medicine
2. Tolle Causum
Address the cause
Naturopathic physicians will address the patient in a holistic
way, looking at all aspects including physical, mental,
emotional, and/or spiritual
3. Vis Medicatrix Naturae
To act in cooperation with the healing power of nature.
Our bodies have innate wisdom and strength
The healing process is ordered and intelligent
The goal of Naturopathic physicians is to…
Identify and remove obstacles to health
Establish a healthy internal environment
Establish a healthy external environment
4. Tolle Totum
To heal the whole person through individualized treatment
No two patients with the same “disease” have the
same presentation of symptoms
5. Docere
Doctor as educator… Naturopathic physicians will teach…
Principles of healthy living
Explanation of the biochemistry of the body
How to understand the connection between
our thoughts, emotions and our health
And much more..
6. Prevention
Prevention is the best medicine
Reduce your risk of disease by changing your lifestyle now!
Enhance your bodies internal environment to prevent heart
attack, stroke, cancer, arthritis
Changing our environment can help us overcome genetic
predispositions to certain health conditions.
I enjoy being a Naturopathic doctor and service the areas of Scottsdale and Phoenix, Arizona. Most of all I enjoy working for and with my community to improve their overall wellness and quality of life.
Thanks again for your interest,