How do I know if I’m toxic?

Toxicity Self Test Rate each of the following symptoms on a scale from 0 to 5 (5 being the most severe) based on the past 30 days. Read more from Dr. Wells about detoxification. __ Diarrhea __ Constipation __ Belching, passing gas __ Bloated feeling __ Heartburn __ Total __ Itchy ears __ Earaches / infection __ Ringing in ears __ Hearing loss __ Total __ Mood swings __ Anxiety, fear nervousness __ Anger, irritability __ Depression __ Total __ Fatigue, sluggishness __ Apathy, lethargy __ Hyperactivity __ Restlessness __ Total __ Watery, itchy eyes __ Swollen, reddened, or [...]

How do I know if I’m toxic?2021-08-16T20:00:00+00:00

Do I need to detox?

The most comprehensive study to date looked at a much smaller number of persons (9) for the presence of 210 different chemicals. Remarkable, in total, all subjects carried the following chemicals: 76 chemicals linked to cancer in humans or animals, 94 chemicals that are toxic to the brain/nervous system, 86 chemicals that interfere with the hormone system, 79 chemicals associated with birth defects, 77 chemicals toxic to the reproductive system, 77 chemicals toxic to the immune system   The burden of chemicals that we all appear to be carrying: Heavy metals (lead, cadmium, arsenic, mercury from foods, coal electric plants, [...]

Do I need to detox?2014-05-13T01:44:57+00:00

What is your water doing to your health?

When it comes to healthy living, what are the most important things to consider?  Water always comes up in my conversations with patients.  How much water do you drink?  I also need to consider the quality of the water.  After reading this drinking water article , you too will fully understand how important it is to pay attention to what is in the water you are drinking every day.  The best water filter system I have found is one that has a resin filter for arsenic and fluorine (especially important for Arizonans).  In addition, it needs a carbon filter for chlorine, pharmaceutical drugs, pesticides, and [...]

What is your water doing to your health?2014-05-10T19:26:39+00:00

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