Recognizing Fatigue Symptoms and How to Alleviate Them

More people worldwide are experiencing fatigue than ever before. The impacts on our personal, family and work life is making us all more aware of work-life balance and how to stay healthy given the daily stresses we are undergoing.  A 2023 study from the National Institutes of Health revealed over 42% of people experience significant fatigue on a daily basis. (1) What are the key symptoms of fatigue?  -Physical symptoms include a feeling of tiredness during the day, waking up not feeling refreshed, blurry vision, a sense of listlessness, headaches, muscle weakness and dizziness.  -Mental symptoms include a lack [...]

Recognizing Fatigue Symptoms and How to Alleviate Them2024-06-18T18:45:03+00:00

Brain Fog and the Top Ten Causes

What is brain fog? Brain fog is classified as a lack of cognitive functioning or disorientation. It can be slight, but significant. Many speak of it literally as if a cloud has descended over their brain. Others describe it as they sometimes can't remember names, or facts like they used to. It usually begins after some stressful times or after a long illness, or even after pregnancy, but it can happen anytime to people of all ages. The treatment of brain fog varies greatly, depending on the cause(s). One the cause or causes can be found, the healing can [...]

Brain Fog and the Top Ten Causes2024-01-02T21:12:12+00:00

Slow Metabolism and Weight Gain (and my doctor says blood tests are normal)

"I have gained weight and don't know why. I've have been to many doctors and they've checked the thyroid blood work, but found everything is normal." Sound familiar? There are lots of reasons for a suddenly slower metabolism and weight gain. I am sharing this so you can use the information with your doctor team and get the best results for your health! A holistic view of a person, means examining one's lifestyle, diet, hydration, nutrient status, energy/sleep patterns, digestion, other health conditions and often we need a physical exam. It is important to talking about the degree of [...]

Slow Metabolism and Weight Gain (and my doctor says blood tests are normal)2023-04-24T14:00:00+00:00

Why can’t I lose weight?

Often I am faced with patients who desperately want to let go of extra pounds, but just can't seem to do it.  Bless their hearts, they have tried every diet, every strategy, exercised 2 hours per day and don't lose a pound.  Fortunately, when looking at these patients through the lens of naturopathic medicine, I can help.  Each person is unique.  Each has a different reason.  Today I would like to share with you how I look for underlying causes of weight challenges. First, one must check for hormone imbalances.  Suboptimal hormones can put you in a "freeze zone" [...]

Why can’t I lose weight?2014-05-13T01:33:39+00:00

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