Hack Blue Light From Your Life

Blue light is everywhere, it's in the sunlight, produced by light bulbs and also is very prevalent in our screens cellphone, iPad, computers, etc. This light is good for us in the morning, it helps us wake up and get moving.  Unfortunately, it has a bad side as well. Blue light not only strains your eyes but it depletes the body and brain of two vital neuro-hormones: melatonin and dopamine.  Melatonin supports sleep and is anti-inflammatory to the brain. Dopamine controls sleep, mood, attention and memory.  Blue light also can cause you to have an eye condition called macular [...]

Hack Blue Light From Your Life2019-05-16T19:53:47+00:00

Natural remedies for Insomnia

Natural remedies for Insomnia Sleep is vital to life. During sleep is when our bodies heal, regenerate new cells, make growth hormone and thyroid hormone. Without sleep for many days, one can literally go mad.  To find a cure for insomnia one must understand the cause of their sleeplessness.  There are remedies that can help however, even when the cause remains a mystery. Today we will discuss insomnia causes and natural remedies. When we lay down to sleep after a busy day, we need to switch to total relaxation mode. There are many bodily processes involved in this ‘bedtime’ [...]

Natural remedies for Insomnia2019-01-28T19:29:35+00:00

Maximizing Your Workout: tips of the trade

Maximizing Your Workout: tips of the trade   Exercise can cause inflammation in the joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments.  Having a body that combats inflammation well is key.  Most are aware, a diet rich in plant nutrients and omega 3 foods such as wild salmon, is important to keep inflammation low. Also, limiting processed foods, fried foods, sugars, alcohol and red meat can help, too. When it comes to supplements, it can be a hassle to surf the shelves and wonder which is best. After a long look at the research, the following supplements rise to the top.   [...]

Maximizing Your Workout: tips of the trade2019-01-22T16:40:24+00:00

Food & You: The Body-Mind Connection

Food & You: The Body-Mind Connection   There's no doubt about it: what we eat, and how much we eat, has a direct impact on our physical health. But did you know that those same choices also influence mood, mental alertness, memory, and emotional well-being? Food can act as medicine, have a neutral effect, or it can be a poison to the body and mind.  When we have an imbalance, how do we know it is food?  The trick is to determine if the food you are eating is causing the issue or there is something else happening.  This is [...]

Food & You: The Body-Mind Connection2018-06-23T17:00:43+00:00

Trace Minerals: Essential to a Healthy Body

Trace Minerals: Essential to a Healthy Body From the hair on your head to the bones that support you and the blood that runs through you, your body relies on minerals for optimal health. Minerals are broken into two categories: macrominerals and trace minerals. Since the body cannot make minerals, we must get them from food or water. Many foods and vitamin formulas contain the major macrominerals, such as calcium, potassium and magnesium. The challenge is trace minerals, such as selenium, copper, manganese and molybdenum. There are over seventy known trace minerals, many of which scientists continue to study [...]

Trace Minerals: Essential to a Healthy Body2018-04-28T01:30:23+00:00

Why can’t I sleep?

  Why can't I sleep?   Why it matters? A survey conducted by the American Cancer Society concluded that people who sleep 6 hours or less per night, or who sleep 9 hours or more, had a death rate 30 percent higher than those who regularly slept 7 to 8 hours. Even those who slept 6 hours or less who otherwise had no health problems had death rates 1.8 times higher than those who slept "normal" hours. Sleep is essential to LIFE! What happens when we sleep? Our brain goes through 4 stages of brain wave patterns that move [...]

Why can’t I sleep?2018-04-14T16:04:36+00:00

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