Lose weight and feel great by eating more fiber

The weight loss and health benefits of fiber are vast.  When we eat fiber, food passes through the body quicker, less fat is absorbed.  We have a decreased appetite.  Our cholesterol level is decreased.  We use more calories because we have to chew longer and the stomach takes more time to digest.  Best of all, fiber is detoxifying to the body. Dietary fiber is that part of plant cell walls, such as lignans and polysaccharides, which our bodies cannot digest.  There are two main types of fiber: insoluble and soluble.  The best known insoluble fiber is cellulose.  An example [...]

Lose weight and feel great by eating more fiber2014-05-11T17:36:16+00:00

Food additives and preservatives

Did you ever really look at the labels of some of the foods you eat?  Have you ever wondered WHY all that stuff is in there?  I often find myself looking at labels, then I put the box or bag back on the shelf!  We are meant to eat live foods, foods that are close to life, not those that have been rolled, pressed, shaped, put in plastic, added chemicals from drums, put in boxes, shipped across the world... well you get the picture! I am a big fan of eating local, shopping at farmers markets when possible, and buying [...]

Food additives and preservatives2014-05-10T20:05:43+00:00

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